Vor und während der Stunde

Ist es ok vor dem Yoga zu essen?
Es ist besser, auf eher leeren Magen zu üben (etwa zwei Stunden nach dem Essen). Ein guter Snack vor einer Yogastunde könnte eine Banane, einige Nüsse oder Trockenfrüchte sein.

Was soll ich zur Stunde mitbringen?
At Younion Yoga we provide everything you may need (bolsters, mats, blocks, straps and eye pillow) to have a fantastic class. Just come in comfortable clothing that allows you to move.

What should I wear?
Wear comfortable clothing that allows movement, but is not too baggy, so the teacher can see your alignment. Women usually wear athletic or yoga wear, tank tops and leggings. Men typically wear athletic shorts and T-shirts. It's appropriate to wear formfitting supportive underwear. Yoga is practiced barefoot.

Which class is suitable for me?
Most yoga classes are a combination of strength and flexibility, based on different styles. If you've never taken a yoga class before, we recommend Yoga for Beginners as a first-time class. For more information see classes and always feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Why is it necessary to sign up for classes?
To let the community know, if a class is happening (classes are held only if there are at least 2 registered students 2 hours before class ) or to secure your space (each class has a maximum of 12 students).

When do I sign up?

Please sign in up at least to 2 hours before class or by 9pm on the evening before morning classes. If the class is happening (meaning 2 hours or 9pm before class there are 10 or fewer spots left) you can still sign in. In general: the earlier you sign up, the better.

Can I always sign out if I am unable to attend the class ?

You can sign out up to 2two hours before the class is scheduled to start or by 9pm on the evening before morning classes. After that, you will be charged for the class.

What if I have signed in but don't show up?
If you have signed up, we are expecting you. No shows with no notice will be charged for the class. Of course, life happens. So please: If you unexpectedly can't come, please sign out. If it's too late to sign out (2 hours before class starts) contact us and we will decide case by case, whether you will be charged or not.

Parfums, Deodorants etc.?

We ask you kindly to be very gentle with the usage of fragrances. Your neighbor might not enjoy your fragrance as much as you do.

I am late for class. What shall I do?
Please make an effort to arrive early enough so you can change and start your practice peacefully. If you happen to be late, just sneak in after meditation/pranayama to avoid disturb others.

I have to leave class earlier. Is that ok?
Please let the teacher know before class. And make sure you leave before – not during – the group's Savasana or final meditation.